10 Ways To Level Up Your Linkedin Presence

Linkedin is more than just “another online community.” Power users on Linkedin create and host conferences, generate millions of dollars in revenue, become thought leaders, and find their next job. 

Additionally, as the largest career-centered social network, Linkedin houses many smaller communities that are bound to overlap with your location of work to some extent. While perhaps you don’t work in business development, sales, or marketing, on Linkedin, everyone can play the role of all three. And that’s what we’re going to talk about in this guide. 

Why You Should Level Up On Linkedin? 

  • More than on other social networks, people on Linkedin are looking for their next hires, they’re looking for partners for their next business venture, or they’re sourcing ideas on how to solve a business problem they have. That means for enterprising individuals, opportunities abound!
  • Linkedin has over 722 million members. This means there’s undoubtedly members with the same interests, career titles, and overlapping goals. 
  • Linkedin is the largest concentration of international business members
  • Linkedin has provided a variety of tools for reaching out to others, and tracking what’s working and what’s not. 

Master the Profile Page

One major advantage of Linkedin over other platforms is that once you have meaningful engagements with others, they want to check out your landing page. And in this case, it’s a landing page all about you!

There are tons of templates online for really mastering a profile page. But here are a few rules of thumb that many have found useful. 

  • Focus on client issues. You’ll see this in everything from headlines (ex: “I help SMBs generate leads.” 
  • Use quality design. You can embed elements like a highly produced PDF, or edit your profile image or background to share more information quickly (for example: “looking for work” embedded in your profile image around the edges. Or “i’m hiring”)
  • Emojis catch eyeballs. While some are perhaps overplayed (the rocket ship), you can include these in your headline as well as your name to stand out in other people’s feeds. 
  • Quality posts drive individuals to not only check out your profile page, but see a list of your past posts. Your profile page is like the index page of your blog!

Use Recommendations and Endorsements

Linkedin is social and slightly gamified in the sense that the platform seeks to promote engagement. When you go out of your way to provide recommendations and endorsements to others you may have worked with, more prompts emerge for these individuals to recommend and endorse you. 

Endorsements and recommendations also factor into search results. These are like reviews with even greater specificity. Individuals searching for hires with specific skills can not only see that you claim to know a discipline, but that others who have worked with you have cited your expertise in this area. 

Join a “Workplace”

Or if your place of work doesn’t have a formal “workplace,” then start one! This is a great way to gain synergy for posts as being in the same workplace prioritizes the content of others in your workplace. Whoever runs your organizational account can also notify all coworkers of new posts. Each re-share within an organization meets a new secondary network providing the chance that more posts will go viral!

Linkedin Groups Are Where the Action Happens

There are professional forums for almost every discipline online. But there’s no other site that hosts so many of these popular forums than Linkedin, and they’re called “groups.” Gaining a reputation for regular and quality engagement within groups has led many individuals to solid revenue streams for their business, job offers, and partnerships. Groups are also often private, so you can speak your mind to a greater degree to a group of similarly focused professionals. 

Stay in front of your audience

Even if you aren’t a marketer or content producer, chances are you have some thoughts on what your working on. And chances are you have more experience than someone else out there in your field. Share these insights! In an age in which anyone can become a thought leader, you’re missing out on opportunities by not staying in front of your audience. 

Of note, this process can start small. Spend a few minutes every day — or a few hours once a week to come up with a number of posts you can share. As you get deeper into content creation you’ll see ways you can repurpose content or perspectives you’ve already documented. Even if you report an earlier “take” nearly word for word, chaces are a different audience will see it a second time. 

Use Inmail

Inmail is the ability to message someone else on Linkedin, and there are a few routes to gain this capability. First, you can “connect” with someone and once they agree to connect you can gain their direct inbox. Secondly, you can pay for a premium Linkedin plan, which allows you a specific amount of inmail you can send whether you’re connected to individuals or not. Third, you can effectively run inmail ads, which show up in someone’s inbox based on their meeting some set of criteria (a job title, location, or so forth). 

Inmail has THE BEST response rate of any personalized messaging ads on any other social media service. And because Linkedin has a ton of profession-related data, you can often get in front of exactly who you want to talk with. If you’re using inmail not as an ad format, reach out for advice, for partnerships, or just to be nice about a recent development in a colleagues career. 

Don’t Spam

This may seem contrary to “stay in front of your audience.” But there’s a difference between spam and regularly posting. Regularly posting in a “non-spammy” way provides value. And that should be the key deciding factor you think of every time you post, comment, inmail, or talk in a group. Am I providing value here? Those that do on Linkedin often get noticed, and this can lead to job opportunities, people wanting to work with you, partnerships, or posts going viral. 

Use Automation Tools

Time spent being thoughtful, providing values for others, and figuring out your messaging is time much better spent than dealing with the minutiae of actually using a platform. Automation that’s of value on Linkedin tends to come in a few forms. There are social media planning and posting tools which provide information on trending topics, the ability to schedule posts in the future, cropping of images or videos to the proper size for each platform, and so forth. 

Additionally, there are web scraping tools that can provide you the name and details of everyone in a given group or the most popular posts in a given topic. These can be valuable for discerning who you should follow, what types of posts succeed, and generally attaching some data to your process of reaching out on Linkedin. 

Plan Your Posting In Advance

This point goes hand-in-hand with using automation tools as well as “staying in front” of your audience. The key point here, however, is that you can nurture relationships with potential clients, partnerships, and more by providing a coherent narrative. Some Linkedin influencers have built out their posts like they’re giving a course on a topic. With each interaction, they gain a bit more community and some feedback on their topics. And several of these individuals have gone on to bandy these exchanges into hosting their own formal courses or conferences!

Thoroughly Follow Through With Comments

When someone comments, you’ve already won the battle for their attention. More than that, they’re genuinely interested in continuing to give their attention to the topic you’re talking about. Additionally, as more quality engagements stack up on a post, it gains synergy, through notifications to individuals who have liked the post already, or showing up in new feeds. Use this to your advantage even if your follow up is as simple as saying thanks!

40 Zoom Activities to Connect While Learning Remotely

It takes 43 hours to turn acquaintances into casual friends. It takes another 57 hours to transition a casual friend into a close friend. And to turn a close friend into a best friend, it takes another 119 hours. That totals 219 hours to find a best friend.

When it comes to making friends in college, the time spent in-person at school is incredibly important. Between classes, extracurriculars and dorm room living, it’s no coincidence that the average age most people meet their best friends correlates with their time in higher education. 
Things look different this year due to remote education. With a free Zoom account, you get 40 minutes of video time. So, how are you supposed to find best friends at school while learning online?

Zoom has become the place where people get married, graduate from high school and go to work — and it can be the place where you meet friends for life. Suggest these activities to do during your class or meeting to bond with peers and create meaningful relationships despite being at a distance.

Jump to the infographic below on how to connect with peers through Zoom!


zoom activities

Duke professor, Dan Ariely, knows how to foster relationships between strangers. A study he performed underscored the importance of cutting through small talk and getting to deeper conversation topics quicker. 

The experiment asked some to make conversation organically and others to use meaningful prompts.

It was found that people with the prompts had more engaging discussions. Use these activities to break icy small talk by establishing a connection with peers faster. 

  • Say hello in different languages. Thinking globally is important in business. So, kick off the conversation by saying hello! in as many languages as you can. 
  • Describe your life’s story in six words. It can be a metaphor, a list of things you love or words about your hometown, but whatever it is, make sure it’s only six words!
  • Draw a picture of why you’re going to school. While art might not be your passion, this icebreaking activity will be a fun way for people to learn about your studies. 
  • Share your school trepidations. Take the social risk and talk about your greatest anxiety about school. You’ll likely find that people relate.  
  • You’ve won the lottery, what do you do with the money? Test your peer’s decision-making and cost-analysis skills with this fictitious prompt.
  • Explain your childhood dreams. Have you always dreamt of going to business school? Or did you want to become an astronaut instead? Exchange childhood dreams to get a sense of your new friends’ aspirations. 
  • Walk through your morning routine. Steve Jobs started his mornings by asking himself, “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today?” Some say it was the cornerstone of his business success. What’s your morning routine? 
  • Dress up as your spirit animal. Do you have a feisty, lioness attitude or maybe you herd your relatives together like a cattle dog? Show that side of your personality by dressing up on Zoom. 
  • You’ve invented a time machine, now what? Is there a future Albert Einstein in your cohort? Ask your friend what they’d do if they invented a time machine— maybe they have an invention of their own.  
  •  Give a personal TED Talk. Sharpen those presentation skills while telling a personal anecdote by giving a bite-sized TED Talk. 
  • Talk startups. Have a business idea? Run through a mock pitch with your peers.

Making a Connection

You’ve broken the ice, now what? The introduction was aimed at starting meaningful conversations so that you can enjoy the discussion. Below we’ve laid out some activities to help build relationships with peers in the virtual classroom: 

  • Listen to a podcast together. Movies you’re watching, music you’re listening to and shows you’re bingeing are all talked circularly in your day-to-day. Put a spin on that by listening to a new podcast together and sharing insights as a group. 
  •  A 30-day personal growth challenge. Leaders are constantly adapting and growing. Do a 30-day personal growth challenge. You could quit complaining for 30 days or meditate for 30 days. Pick a positive habit for self-betterment and do it with your partner for 30 days! 
  • Get active. Studies have found that exercise immediately improves our cognitive function. Adjacent research showed that having a workout companion increases the amount of time you exercise. So, make your workout better while improving your brainpower by working out as a group through Zoom.
  • Compete in Scattergories. Sharpen your vocabulary by playing Scattergories online. You can easily play online here
  • Have a 30-second dance party. Release those endorphins by having a 30-second dance party. Drop that hard academic facade and let loose!
  • Share your baby photos. You’re only seeing someone through the lens of a computer camera, but they have a whole life story. Exchange baby photos to get a peek into that life story. 
  • Vet each other’s resumes. You’ve reviewed your own resume time and time again. Get a fresh pair of eyes by taking the time to look at each other’s resumes. 
  • Host a virtual bake-off. Gather all the ingredients for your favorite recipe and set a timer. You and your classmates can go head-to-head (or computer-to-computer), in a virtual cooking contest. Make Gordon Ramsay proud!
  • Start a book club. There’s a book for everything. Whether you want to start a clothing line or break into social media marketing, you can learn a lot from books. Start a book club so everyone can learn and share their thoughts. You can kick it off by going through Harvard Business School’s recommended reading list
  • Talk politics. Get into a heated discussion about politics. While this is usually off-limits in some social settings, keeping up with the political climate is important at school. So, get debating!
  •  Release your inner geek with Kahoot! Test your knowledge by playing Kahoot! There are quizzes on movies, cities and even one on the emoji language. 
  • Meditate. School is stressful. Take a moment to go through a guided group meditation. A few deep breaths can help focus and energize the conversation. 
  • Plant show and tell. Boast your green thumb (or lack thereof) by showing off your house plants, or choose another theme based on your friends’ favorite things (for example: throw pillow show and tell). 
  • Talk gibberish. Not really, but with the game Gibberish. Can you make sense of these random words? 
  • Lip sync karaoke. It can’t be all work and no play. Lighten the conversation by suggesting a karaoke lip sync battle. May the best lip syncer win!
  • Play virtual Olympics. Playing a virtual game is fun, but making a series of games into a competition can get really intense. Host a virtual Olympics with some of the above virtual games and hand out online medals to the victors!

Asking Questions

Questions can be difficult to balance in a conversation. You don’t want to ask too many, but you still want to ask some to prompt good conversation. Here are some ways to ask questions to facilitate an engaging conversation, without being overbearing:

  • Try “would you rather” questions. Preference questions are good things to know down the line. There is also an infinite number of topics here, so the conversation will never fall flat. Would you rather sit in silence or ask would you rather questions?!   
  • Talk about likes and dislikes. Favorite sports teams, colors, foods, etc., are not only fun to talk about, but can be telling of someone’s personality. 
  • Ask for anecdotes. People like to tell stories. One way to frame a question is by asking about someone’s experience on the topic.
  • Get your imagination going with “what if?” questions. Let your imagination run loose with “what if?” questions. What if a global pandemic hits and you have to attend school virtually? These are good questions to work out! 
  • Frame your questions as curiosities. Organically bring up questions by spinning them as curiosities. Saying, “I’m curious about X, could you talk more about it?” is a genuine and gentle way to probe. 
  • Ask clarifying questions. Whenever something is confusing, ask for clarification. You can better contribute to the conversation if you know exactly what is being talked about.  
  • Throw in one curveball question. Questions fall into predictable patterns. It’s either a who, what, where, when, why or how? Change things up by coming with a really creative question. 

Saying Goodbye

You’ve had an amazing conversation with your peers and now it’s time to close. In any traditional class or meeting, you’d simply go out the door, but with Zoom you don’t have anywhere to go. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be awkward. Here are a few ways to say goodbye while not giving excuses:

  • “We’ve covered all the bases.” Once the conversation has hit its natural end, it’s okay to point that out. Saying that you’ve had a wonderful time and gone over everything you wanted to is one way to end and reinforce that it was a good discussion. 
  • Put the onus on Zoom fatigue. Too much time behind the screen isn’t good for anyone. End the conversation by saying, “I’m going to take a screen break now, I have to rest my eyes, talk soon!” Simple and relatable. 
  • “Oh, looks like we’ve hit the end of our session.” Depending on your membership, you might not have all day to talk. If it’s a basic plan, you’ll only have 40 minutes. When the Zoom notification pops up that you are over your allotted time, that’s a natural exit.
  • “I don’t want to hold you up.” Be cognizant of everyone’s time. If you notice that anyone needs to leave, give them the option to. “Thanks for the talk, I don’t want to hold you up, but let’s connect again soon!” 
  • Recap the discussion. When conversation runs out, simply summarize the conversation as a way to close. “It was wonderful to talk about X, Y, and Z, look forward to next time!”
  • Simply say you need to go. You don’t need a reason to leave if the conversation has reached the end — it’s fine to wrap it up. “I’ve got to go, enjoy the rest of your day!” 

Connecting on Zoom can be hard. After all, you’re talking into your computer, instead of face to face with someone. However, making the extra effort by using these Zoom activities can make your remote learning experience a meaningful one. 

Even as we transition back to normalcy and return on campus, if you’re looking to attend online business school, learning to build relationships can be transformative. 

Sources: The Motivational Grid

How to Network Online: Tips and Tricks

All it takes is an introduction. A harmless greeting is how most wonderful things start. How you find your spouse, how you meet your best friends and how you land your dream job. It starts with basic human connection.

Networking, in theory, is a simple hello, but psychologically, it’s puzzling. In a study about networking, it was found that it can make people feel physically dirtier. The study went so far as to name this phenomenon the “Macbeth Effect,” after the infamous scene of Lady Macbeth scrubbing make-believe bloodstains off her hands in a guilt-ridden frenzy. 

With the new norm of online networking, the same stress is now digital, and there’s a whole new networking world to learn. Thankfully, there are some useful tips and tricks you can keep up your sleeve to make the whole process go smoother. We’ll go over how to successfully network online, from the best tools to how to use them effectively. 

Tips for Successfully Networking Online


The pandemic has constrained networking to online-only. However, online networking and social media networking were on the rise prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. With platforms like LinkedIn and social networks like Instagram, there are many opportunities to meet new people. And these new people could possibly advance your career. 

Learning how to effectively network online comes down to using the right platforms, engaging strategically and attending the right virtual events. Below, we’ve outlined some tips for successful networking online.

1. Use Online Networks to Make Connections

Considering the amount of online content, finding the right network can seem like a needle-in-a-haystack situation. However, tapping into the right network can help focus your search. Lean on these platforms to connect with a niche that matches your career objectives.


Four out of five people on LinkedIn “drive business decisions,” according to a report by Hootsuite. That means it’s highly likely that the people you connect with on the platform have some pull in their company to advocate for you, if you connect with them effectively. By building an active personal brand on LinkedIn, you set yourself up for successful connections. Follow this four-step formula to cultivate this personal brand: establish, find, engage, build: 

  • Step 1: Establish your digital presence by building out your profile. Include buzzwords and statistics that resonate with your industry. Also be sure to add a professional profile picture, which can lead to 21 times more profile views and nine times more connection requests according to LinkedIn’s reporting
  • Step 2: Find people to connect with by joining LinkedIn groups. A few with the highest engagement are A Job Needed – A Job Posted, Corporate Recruiters, Linked:HR and PersonalBrandingNetwork
  • Step 3: Engage by posting content and talking to industry influencers. Out of the 500 million LinkedIn users, only 3 million share content, according to Foundation Inc. Forming opinions and discussing relevant topics will position you as a voice in your industry. You also want to engage with the top figures in your industry by leaving insightful comments on their posts.
  • Step 4: Repeat until you amass a strong following. Optimize your profile, connect with different people and continue to produce relevant content — you’ll find that people take interest in who you are and what you have to offer. 


Meetup, a networking platform centered around events, is perfect for connecting with local communities that represent your interests. 

The unique value of Meetup is that it isn’t solely an online service. It’s heterogeneous model involves both online interaction and offline participation. You have the ability to sift through groups and pick and choose which might fit your interests. Once you elect to join a group, you can start attending their events. 

Meetup is also ideal for skill-based professional networking. For example, if you’re learning to code and want to score your first job in the field, try connecting with people in the industry by attending a coding Meetup

2. Take advantage of social media networking

Social media started as a fun way to share experiences with your friends. Now it’s an opportunity to craft a personal brand. It has incredible reach, making it essential for online networking. 

Social media has a few unique advantages when it comes to networking. It allows you to keep on top of trends, connect with audiences in creative ways, drive attention to your work and enhance your personal brand. 

You need to be intentional about which platforms you use to achieve your specific goals. We’ll break down four social media networks to get involved in and how to optimize them for your career.


Much more than a photo-sharing app, Instagram is a good way to connect with B2C companies and brands. 

While “DMs” are infamous for flirtatious comments, you can leverage them for networking. Start by following a brand’s page and getting a sense of what they post. Observe what you think could be improved on their page and drop them a note on your observations. This way you’re adding value, not simply sending them a compliment. 

Here’s a sample way to “slide into their DMs” professionally:

Hey, X. I’ve been following your page and really enjoy the content you put out. It’s great to see an account that [insert compliment]. 

I was wondering if you’d be open to the suggestion [insert observation]. Let me know your thoughts, and you can see my work by heading over to my page [insert Instagram handle]. Thanks!


One of the original social media platforms, Facebook’s reach presents a huge opportunity for getting your ideas out there. With 2.7 billion monthly active users on Facebook as of June 2020, it’s a perfect stage for online networking. 

A unique aspect of Facebook is its live feature. You have the ability to shoot video live, cast it out to your audience and get comments in real-time. This is great for journalists, politicians, business leaders and entrepreneurs to share their thoughts on a hot-button topic. 


Ideal for instant connection, Twitter gives you the chance to send out tweets and get immediate engagement. One great feature to use is Twitter threads. They allow you to connect one tweet with another to string together a narrative. For example, if you want to discuss the upcoming election and your initial tweet goes over the 280 character limit, simply break up your commentary into a twitter thread.

3. Attend virtual networking events

Virtual events are here to stay. According to Cisco’s Annual Internet Report, by 2021, video, including web conferencing, is projected to account for 80 percent of all Internet traffic. So you’ll need to get used to doing things virtually. 

That means attending virtual networking events, where you’ll likely be using Zoom or other video conferencing tools. You want to come across as professional, so here’s a quick checklist to go over before you hop on a networking Zoom call:

  • Enable computer video and audio 
  • Wear professional attire
  • Position your computer near natural lighting 
  • Put your computer on eye-level
  • Make sure your background is clean and not distracting
  • Do a test meeting before the real one 

On top of looking the part, you want to speak the part. Communicating is hard via video, especially if you’re in a large group of people and there’s no structure to the meeting. Awkward cut-offs, long silences and misunderstandings plague virtual events, so to avoid these typical video conference mishaps, be intentional about facilitating conversation. Harvard Business Review lays out five ways to successfully engage during a virtual event:

  • Engage in the first 60 seconds to hook people into the conversation. 
  • Introduce yourself early. Introductions are important. Even if you’ve been connecting through email prior to the meeting, introduce yourself formally on your first face-to-face call. 
  • Don’t hide in a large group. If the meeting has a big roster of attendees, you might feel the urge to dissolve to the “back of the class.” Instead, try to get involved by asking questions and making relevant comments. 
  • Keep it high-level unless you are asked to dive deeper into a subject. Avoid long monologues by summarizing your experiences instead of deeply describing them. This makes the conversation more of a discussion and less of a lecture. 
  • Question in five-minute intervals. Instead of waiting to rattle off all your questions at the end, ask a question every five minutes to keep engagement up.  

Remember: The more opportunities you expose yourself to, the more likely you’ll connect with career-makers. So start filling up your calendar with virtual networking events! 

4. Tap into your online network

You’ve laid down the foundation by connecting with people online and attending virtual events, now it’s time for the “ask.” 

Whether you’re asking for a job referral or letter of recommendation, tapping into your network needs to be strategic. You don’t want to burn any bridges by being overbearing, but you also don’t want to let prime opportunities slip by because you didn’t advocate for yourself. 

A general rule of thumb here is to do most of the heavy lifting yourself in order to lighten the burden for your contact. Instead of having your connection do the work to set you up for a meeting, simply ask for the prospect’s email from your connection. This way the logistics of pinning down a date, time and place don’t weigh down your connection. 

Here’s a sample email you can send to ask for some help on the job search:

Hello [Name],

I hope you are staying well. I’ve been following your work on LinkedIn and Facebook, and it looks like you are making a lot of progress with [insert project]. 

I’m reaching out as I am looking to make a career change. For the past couple of years, I’ve been doing [insert results of your work experience]. While I’ve enjoyed it, my ideal position would be [insert your dream job]. 

Since we’ve crossed paths professionally during [time you worked with this person] and you know some people in [industry], I was wondering if you had any suggestions of people to get in touch with. 

Of course, I’m happy to return the favor. My friend at [company] is doing work that falls in line with your [project]. Happy to share the contact. 

Thank you, [Name]. I appreciate it and look forward to connecting again soon. 

Creative Tips for Online Networking

You want to set yourself apart from the rest of the workforce when it comes to networking. This takes a lot of creativity, especially with the added obstacle of online networking. Here are some tips to help you stand out from the rest of the crowd: 

  • Fill your inbox with interesting newsletters. Instead of small talk about the weather, throw out some relevant insights. Like the upcoming IPO of Asana, whose founder, Dustin Moskovitz, was Mark Zuckerberg’s college roommate. Or the massive shortage of dumbbells in America. Newsletters are gold mines for these types of conversation starters. Subscribe to newsletters to cover the full scope of things going on in the world. Try some of these to start out: The Morning Brew, theSkimm, The Hustle, Vooza’s Newsletter by Matt Ruby and Tim Ferriss’s 5-Bullet Friday.   
  • Make them notice you. Take Jessica Bain as a prime example of getting noticed. She wanted to work for Spotify, and instead of sending in the same ol’ bullet-pointed application, she decided to stand out. She made a cover letter website with a theme based on Spotify. While differentiating yourself is important, you don’t want to go overboard. Be convincing, but also be professional. 
  • Cut the word “networking” out of your vocabulary. Self-talk matters in stressful situations. This study tested the effects of positive and negative self-talk during a round of darts. It found that people who were self-assured and boosted with useful self-talk performed better. While you might not be throwing darts when networking, you are focused on hitting a target. Reinforcing positivity is essential for this. So, if the word “networking” is negatively connoted in your mind, then cut it out of your vocabulary. Use the word “opportunity” instead.

Online Networking in Business School

The benefit of a business school is that you have a built-in network. Whether you’re looking to attend business school on campus or online, you become a part of a community. 

Here are some tips for online networking while at business school. 

  • Connect with alumni. Leverage connections with those who were once in your shoes by leaning into your program’s alumni network. MBA graduates had an overall average salary of $106,757 in 2019. So, if you’re looking to advance your career, business school alumni are likely in authoritative roles and can point you in the right direction.
  • Have a mentor at your job or internship. You’ll have internships and jobs as you move through business school. Whether or not these become your career post-graduation, you’ll want to have a mentor. Your work mentor doesn’t have to be a C-Suite player. Pick someone who has a lot of passion in the industry and has an extensive network. 
  • Find your co-founder. Jennifer Hyman and Jenny Fleiss met when they were sophomores at Harvard Business School. That same year they co-founded Rent the Runway. While in business school, you not only want to network with professors and mentors, but also your fellow classmates. You never know which one of them could be your future business partner. 

Networking is an essential part of the professional experience. It doesn’t have to be nerve-wracking or awkward. Instead, it should be exciting. These introductions are the ones that’ll advance your career. 

You can also opt to continue with more schooling before you enter the workforce. Attending business school, adding more skills to your resume and getting a graduate degree can position you for success while on the job hunt! 

Sources: Harvard Business Review | Hubspot | LinkedIn | Foundation Inc.Facebook | Cisco | Harvard Business Review | Journal of Sport Behavior | IBM | U.S. News | NPR